Postgraduate Specialisation in Geriatrics

Postgraduate Specialisation in Geriatrics

Internal Medicine 2 - DIDATTICA FRONTALE (2022/2023)

Course code
Academic sector
Language of instruction
Teaching is organised as follows:
Activity Credits Period Academic staff
Medicina interna - Zamboni 3.5 not yet allocated Mauro Zamboni
Medicina interna - Dalle Carbonare 2 not yet allocated Luca Giuseppe Dalle Carbonare
Medicina interna - Fratta Pasini 2 not yet allocated Anna Maria Fratta Pasini
Gastroenterologia - De Pretis 0.5 not yet allocated Nicolo' De Pretis
Problemi nutrizionali nell'anziano - Bissoli 1.5 not yet allocated Luisa Bissoli
La gestione del paziente anziano - Zivelonghi 1.5 not yet allocated Alessandra Zivelonghi
Medicina interna - Zoico 3 not yet allocated Elena Zoico
Medicina interna - Fantin 0 not yet allocated not yet allocated
Disturbi comportamentali nel paziente anziano - Delmonte 1.5 not yet allocated Letizia Delmonte
Ecografia a letto del paziente - Manzato 1.5 not yet allocated Gisella Manzato

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Bedside ultrasound as an extension of the physical examination at the patient's bedside. Lung ultrasound: physical principles, scans, main pathological pictures. Cardiac ultrasound: physical principles, main projections, morphological examination, Doppler examination.

Assessment methods and criteria

Multiple choice questions and performing an ultrasound at the patient's bedside.

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