Postgraduate Specialisation in Digestive System Diseases

Postgraduate Specialisation in Digestive System Diseases

Gastroenterology 1 (specific topic) - DIDATTICA FRONTALE (2018/2019)

Course code
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Language of instruction
Teaching is organised as follows:
Activity Credits Period Academic staff
Gastroenterologia Frulloni Luca 1 not yet allocated Luca Frulloni
Gastroenterologia Gabbrielli Armando 0.5 not yet allocated Armando Gabbrielli
Gastroenterologia Ciccocioppo Rachele 0.5 not yet allocated Rachele Ciccocioppo
Fegato COLECCHIA ANTONIO 1 not yet allocated Antonio Colecchia
Pancreas AMODIO ANTONIO 1 not yet allocated Antonio Amodio
Stomaco PASSIGATO NICOLA 1 not yet allocated Nicola Passigato
Tubo digerente PIAZZI LUCIA 1 not yet allocated Lucia Piazzi
Colon DE PRETIS GIOVANNI 1 not yet allocated Giovanni De Pretis
Malattie infiammatorie croniche intestinali IBD BOCUS PAOLO 1 not yet allocated Paolo Bocus
Oncologia Gastroenterologica - AURIEMMA ALESSANDRA 1 not yet allocated Alessandra Auriemma
Ecografia addome fegato PALLINI PAOLO 1 not yet allocated Paolo Pallini

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