Marinella Majorano

Marinella Majorano,  July 27, 2014
marinella|majorano*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Not present since
December 31, 2019

Marinella Majorano is an Associate Professor of Developmental and Educational Psychology. Her research programme focuses on the role played by the family and by educational and cultural factors in the development of language and communication in typically developing children and in children with language and communication difficulties (i.e., children with DLD and with CIs) and explores how these factors impact on the child’s literacy development in the primary school. She is also interested in developing and implementing intervention programs for parents, educators and teachers that promote inclusion and well-being, with special attention to children acquiring Italian as a second language and children with disabilities. Two of her applied research projects were funded by educational services and she has received two grants. Her work is published in several national and international journals and she collaborates continuously with several international partners.


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Vai al dipartimento di riferimento: Human Sciences
Topic Description Research area
Language acquisition and development The research investigates the interaction between individual and contextual factors -particularly linguistic input and support provided by parents and teachers- in child language acquisition and development in typical, atypical (DLD, CIs) and at-risk (low-income, immigrant) populations. Childhood, family, and social networks
Psychology, Developmental
Inclusion and well-being in school Th study of individual and contextual factors related to inclusion and well-being in school of children with special educational needs Childhood, family, and social networks
Psychology, Educational
Vai al dipartimento di riferimento: Human Sciences

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