Stella Merlin

Foto Stella Merlin,  September 28, 2017
Temporary Professor
Academic sector
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Stella Merlin is a PhD in Linguistics. She holds a BA in Classics, and a MA and PhD in Linguistics. She has been working on historical linguistics and comparative philology (with particular reference to Ancient languages), levels of linguistic variation and change, and language contact. Furthermore, she is interested in concepts and categories in the history of the linguistic thought. She currently works as a researcher in the ERC Horizon 2020 PALaC project "Pre-Classical Anatolian Languages in Contact" (P.I. Prof. Federico Giusfredi) studying contacts in the Aegean-Anatolian context of the 2nd and 1st millennium BCE, and defining some keywords for the study of language contact in Ancient societies.


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Topic Description Research area
Historical & Comparative Linguistics Historical & Comparative Linguistics has language as its proper object of study in both diachronic and synchronic perspective. Linguistics
Philology and palaeography; historical linguistics
Metalinguaggio e storia del pensiero linguistico L'attività di ricerca comprende l'analisi della storia dei termini e delle idee centrali nel pensiero linguistico e nella glottologia, le relazioni fra concetti della linguistica e concetti comparabili in altre discipline (filologia, filosofia, semiotica, psicologia, antropologia, sociologia etc.). L'interesse di ricerca copre non solo la parte antica e medievale, ma anche la modernità e la contemporaneità, focalizzandosi sui diversi periodi a seconda dei relativi interessi di ricerca specifici. La ricerca si avvale di mezzi elettronici e metodi computazionali per il reperimento delle fonti, la comparazione, l'onotologia dei concetti. Linguistics
Theoretical linguistics; computational linguistics

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Commissione didattica del Corso di Laurea in Logopedia (Collegio didattico del Corso di Laurea in Logopedia) - Council for the Degree course in Logopedia - Medicine and Surgery

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