Monica Mottes

foto MM,  February 10, 2018
monica|mottes*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Not present since
January 1, 2012

Monica Mottes got her B.Sc. in Biology and a Diploma di perfezionamento in Genetics at the University of Pavia.  She has carried out research activity at the Division of Biology- California Institute of Technology, Pasadena , USA and at the Nat. Research Council Institute of Molecular Genetics in Pavia. She is a member of University of Verona/ Medical School since 1988.

Scientific interests
Human Molecular Genetics
Search and characterization of genic variants which interfere with the physiological osteogenic differentiation process. Studies on heritable connective tissues disorders, Osteogenesis Imperfecta in particular. Maintenance and analysis of “ex vivo” cellular models.
CUN research field: 05


Modules running in the period selected: 0.
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Vai al dipartimento di riferimento: Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences
Topic Description Research area
Bone biology Study of osteogenic differentiation processes in "ex vivo" models. Cell Biology
Human molecular genetics Genetic basis of inherited connective tissue disorders, especially Osteogenesis Imperfecta Genetics & Heredity
Vai al dipartimento di riferimento: Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences

Other positions held
  • Full Professor from 1/1/05 to 2/28/10 Department Mother and Child, Biology and Genetics [Department deactivate from 5/24/10. Confluito nel nuovo dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e della Riproduzione]
  • Associate Professor from 1/1/01 to 12/31/04 Department Mother and Child, Biology and Genetics [Department deactivate from 5/24/10. Confluito nel nuovo dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e della Riproduzione]
  • Full Professor from 1/1/16 to 9/30/23 Department Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences
  • Full Professor from 3/1/10 to 7/31/15 Department Life and Reproduction Sciences [Department deactivate from 7/31/15. ]
  • Full Professor from 8/1/15 to 12/31/15 Department Scienze Neurologiche Biomediche e del Movimento [Department deactivate from 12/31/15. ]
  • Full Professor from 2/1/88 to 1/1/12 Faculty of Medicine and Surgery
  • Adjunct professor from 10/1/06 to 2/28/08 Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences
Office Collegial Body
Coordinatore del Corso di Laurea Council for the Degree course in Techniques of Accident Prevention in the Workplace - Medicine and Surgery
Consiglio del Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e della Riproduzione
full prof. Council for the Mother and Child and Biology Department - Genetics

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