Combined Bachelor + Masters in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics

for Information

Operational unit: Teaching administration
Course partially running (all years except the first)

To see your indicative training path, select your registration year

Programme training activities
The training activities with the same number (Nº) are alternatives.
TTA Year Credits Activity Academic year of attendance
1 A Anatomia umana - Human Anatomy (BIO/16) 2008/2009
2 A/C Biochimica - Biochemistry (BIO/10) 2008/2009
3 A Biologia applicata - Applied Biology (BIO/13) 2008/2009
4 C Chimica generale e inorganica e chimica organica - General, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry (CHIM/03 ,CHIM/06) 2008/2009
5 A Fisica applicata - Applied Physics (FIS/07) 2008/2009
6 F Informatica - Information Technology (INF/01) 2008/2009
7 F Inglese scientifico I - Scientific English I (L-LIN/12) 2008/2009
8 A Istologia - Histology (BIO/17) 2008/2009
9 C Scienza e tecnologia dei materiali - Science and technology of Materials (ING-IND/22) 2008/2009
10 D 15  A scelta dello studente - Students free choice activities (art. 10, par. 1, letter D, m.D. 509/99) (-) 2008/2009
11 A Fisiologia - Physiology (BIO/09) 2009/2010
12 C 3.5  Igiene generale e applicata - General and Applied Hygiene (MED/42) 2009/2010
13 F Inglese scientifico II - Scientific English II (L-LIN/12) 2009/2010
14 B Microbiologia - Microbiology (MED/07) 2009/2010
15 B Odontoiatria conservatrice I - Conservative Dentistry I (MED/28) 2009/2010
16 B Patologia generale - General pathology (MED/04) 2009/2010
17 A Statistica medica - Medical statistics (MED/01) 2009/2010
18 F Abilità gestionali (-) 2009/2010
19 F 18  Tirocinio professionalizzante (secondo anno) - Clinical practice (2nd year) (-) 2009/2010
20 B Anatomia patologica - Pathological anatomy (MED/08) 2010/2011
21 C Chirurgia generale - General Surgery (MED/18) 2010/2011
22 B 2.5  Chirurgia speciale odontostomatologica I - Special Odontostomatological Surgery I (MED/28) 2010/2011
23 B 3.5  Diagnostica per immagini e radioterapia - Imaging and Radiotherapy Diagnostics (MED/36) 2010/2011
24 B Farmacologia - Pharmacology (BIO/14) 2010/2011
25 B Medicina interna - Internal Medicine (MED/09) 2010/2011
26 B Odontoiatria conservatrice II - Conservative dentistry II (MED/28) 2010/2011
27 B Patologia speciale odontostomatologica - Special odontostomatological pathology (MED/28) 2010/2011
28 C 2.5  Pediatria generale e specialistica - General and specialized pediatrics (MED/38) 2010/2011
29 B Protesi dentaria I - Dental Implants I (MED/28) 2010/2011
30 F 23  Tirocinio professionalizzante (terzo anno) - Clinical practice (3rd year) (-) 2010/2011
31 B 2.5  Anestesiologia - Anaesthetics (MED/41) 2011/2012
32 B 2.5  Chirurgia speciale odontostomatologica II - Special odontostomatological surgery II (MED/28) 2011/2012
33 B 4.5  Clinica odontostomatologica I - Clinical Odontostomatologics I (MED/28) 2011/2012
34 B Malattie cutanee e veneree - Skin and Venereal Diseases (MED/35) 2011/2012
35 B Neurologia - Neurology (MED/26) 2011/2012
36 B Odontoiatria conservatrice III - Conservative dentistry III (MED/28) 2011/2012
37 B Ortognatodonzia e gnatologia I - Orthodontics and Gnatology I (MED/28) 2011/2012
38 C Otorinolaringoiatria - Otolaryngology (MED/31) 2011/2012
39 B 4.5  Parodontologia I - Periodontology (MED/28) 2011/2012
40 B Protesi dentaria II - Dental prothesis II (MED/28) 2011/2012
41 F 30  Tirocinio professionalizzante (quarto anno) - Vocational training (fourth year) (-) 2011/2012
42 B Chirurgia maxillo-facciale - Maxillofacial Surgery (MED/29) 2012/2013
43 B 4.5  Clinica odontostomatologica II - Odontostomatological clinical medicine II (MED/28) 2012/2013
44 C Medicina legale - Legal Medicine (MED/43) 2012/2013
45 B Ortognatodonzia e gnatologia II - Orthodontics and gnathology II (MED/28) 2012/2013
46 B 4.5  Parodontologia II - Periodontology II (MED/28) 2012/2013
47 B Pedodonzia - Pedodontics (MED/28) 2012/2013
48 B Protesi dentaria III - Dental prothesis III (MED/28) 2012/2013
49 C Psichiatria - Psychiatry (MED/25) 2012/2013
50 F 19  Tirocinio professionalizzante (quinto anno) - Vocational training (fifth year) (-) 2012/2013
51 E 15  Prova finale - Final exam (-)

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