Postgraduate Specialisation in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine

Course modules

Course Not running, not visible

List of teachings with the periods that have not been assigned
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
F Other activities 1 See the teaching page
B Demography Simone Accordini
E Esame di profitto teorico-pratico 1 See the teaching page
A Fisica applicata (a beni culturali, ambientali, biologia e medicina) Alberto Fenzi
B General and Applied Hygiene See the teaching page
B Igiene generale ed applicata 1 (tronco comune) Gabriele Romano
B Medicina del lavoro 1 (tronco comune) Bruno Lonardi
B Medicina legale 1(tronco comune) Federica Bortolotti
A Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology Maria Del Mar Lleo'Fernandez
B Medical statistics Roberto De Marco
F Other activities 2 See the teaching page
A Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology Giancesare Guidi
B Diritto del lavoro (tronco comune) Laura Calafà
E Esame di profitto teorico-pratico 2 See the teaching page
B Igiene generale e applicata See the teaching page
B Igiene generale ed applicata 2 (tronco comune) See the teaching page
A Environmental and health-care engineering See the teaching page
B Medicina del lavoro 2 (tronco comune) See the teaching page
B Medicina legale 2 See the teaching page
B Organization Studies Chiara Leardini
A Patologia clinica (discipline generali) Marco Antonio Cassatella
B Statistica medica 2 See the teaching page
F Neuroradiology See the teaching page
C Economia applicata Ivan Russo
E Esame di profitto teorico-pratico 3 See the teaching page
B General and applied hygiene See the teaching page
B Hygiene and public health See the teaching page
C Infectious Diseases Ercole Concia
B Medicina del lavoro 3 (tronco comune) See the teaching page
B Medicina legale 3 (tronco comune) See the teaching page
C Work and Organizational Psychology Giuseppe Favretto
B Psicologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni (tronco comune) Giuseppe Favretto
C Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni Carlo Combi
C General sociology Mauro Niero
B Statistica medica 3 See the teaching page
F Other Activities See the teaching page
E Esame di profitto teorico-pratico 4 See the teaching page
B General and applied hygiene See the teaching page
B Igiene generale ed applicata 4 (discipline elettive) Gabriele Romano
B Igiene generale ed applicata 4 (discipline specifiche) See the teaching page
B Occupational Medicine 4 See the teaching page
B Medicina del lavoro 4 (discipline elettive) Luigi Perbellini
B Legal and Forensic Medicine See the teaching page
B Promote a discussion on interprofessional dynamics in the psychiatric services teams Luisa Saiani
B Statistica medica 4 See the teaching page
B Statistica medica 4 (discipline elettive) Roberto De Marco
F Altre attivita' 5 See the teaching page
E Esame di profitto teorico-pratico 5 See the teaching page
B Igiene generale ed applicata 5 (discipline elettive) Albino Poli
B Igiene generale ed applicata 5 (discipline specifiche) See the teaching page
B Medicina del lavoro 5 Luigi Perbellini
E Final exam See the teaching page

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