Scuola di Specializzazione in Malattie dell'Apparato Respiratorio (D.I. 68/2015)


Course code
Name of lecturer
Enrico Tam
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Academic sector
Language of instruction
not yet allocated

Learning outcomes

The purpose of these lessons/seminars is to illustrate the main concepts regarding the alveolar-capillary transfer and the regulation of ventilation, even during muscular exercise.


Alveolar-capillary transfer
1.0 Alveolo-capillary barrier
2.0 Law of diffusion
3.0 Diffusion capacity
3.1 Diffusion-limited alveolo-capillary transfer – CO
3.2 Perfusion-limited alveolo-capillary transfer - N2O
3.3 O2 transfer
3.4 Diffusion of O2 – Exercise
3.5 Diffusion of O2 – Hypoxia
3.6 Dempsey-EIAH effect
4.0 Factors determining DLCO
5.0 The components of DLCO
Regulation of the ventilation
1.0 Ventilation control
1.1 “Tonic drive” and receptor inputs
1.2 Additional receptors and inputs
2.0 Brainstem control centers
2.1 DRG eVRG – Summary
2.2 Firing patterns
2.3 Respiratory activity resulting from firing patterns
2.4 Determinants of the activation pattern
2.5 Central pattern generator
2.6 Neurotransmitters and neuromodulators
3.0 Chemical control of ventilation
3.1 Peripheral chemoreceptors and PaO2
3.2 Peripheral chemoreceptors and PaCO2
3.3 Peripheral chemoreceptors and ventilatory acidosis
3.4 Peripheral chemoreceptor cells
3.5 Signal transduction scheme
3.6 Signal transduction – Summary
4.0 Central chemoreceptors – localization
4.1 Neurons activated by CSF acidosis
4.2 PaCO2 and CSF pH
4.3 Chemoreceptors – Summary

Reference books

See the teaching bibliography

Assessment methods and criteria

Online self-assessment tests administered with the Kahoot platform

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