Postgraduate Specialisation in Digestive System Diseases

Postgraduate Specialisation in Digestive System Diseases

Gastroenterology 2 (specific topic) - DIDATTICA FRONTALE (2020/2021)

Course code
Academic sector
Language of instruction
Teaching is organised as follows:
Activity Credits Period Academic staff
gastroenterologia 2 Frulloni 1 not yet allocated Luca Frulloni
gastroenterologia 2 Gabbrielli 0.5 not yet allocated Armando Gabbrielli
gastroenterologia 2 Ciccocioppo 0.5 not yet allocated Rachele Ciccocioppo
Fegato epatiti virali 2 -Campagnola 0.5 not yet allocated not yet allocated
fegato epatiti e cirrosi 2 - Passigato 0.5 not yet allocated Nicola Passigato
pancreas 2 - Amodio 1 not yet allocated Antonio Amodio
stomaco 2 - Comberlato 0.5 not yet allocated Michele Comberlato
esofago 2 - Bernardoni 0.5 not yet allocated Laura Bernardoni
tubo digerente 2 - Azzurro 0.5 not yet allocated Maurizio Azzurro
colon 2 - De Pretis 1 not yet allocated Giovanni De Pretis
malattie inf croniche intest IBD 2 - Bocus 0.5 not yet allocated Paolo Bocus
oncologia gastroenterologica 2 - Auriemma 0.5 not yet allocated Alessandra Auriemma
oncologia pancreas 2 - Crinò 0.5 not yet allocated Stefano Francesco Crinò
patologia funzionale gastroent 2 - Bulighin 0.5 not yet allocated Gianmarco Bulighin
patologie delle vie biliari 2 - Steinle 0.5 not yet allocated Hartmut Steinle
ecografia addome fegato 2 - Pallini 1 not yet allocated Paolo Pallini

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Reference books
Activity Author Title Publisher Year ISBN Note
gastroenterologia 2 Ciccocioppo Mark Feldman & Lawrence S. Friedman & Lawrence J. Brandt Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease (Edizione 11) Elsevier 2020
gastroenterologia 2 Ciccocioppo UNIGASTRO Manuale di Gastroenterologia Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana 2019 8849005636
gastroenterologia 2 Ciccocioppo Rugarli C, Corazza GR Medicina Interna Sistematica - Estratto Malattie Apparato Digerente Edra 2021

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