Postgraduate Specialisation in General Surgery

Chirurgia generale 1 (discipline specifiche della tipologia) (2017/2018)

Course code
Claudio Bassi

Teaching is organised as follows:
Unit Credits Academic sector Period Academic staff
DIDATTICA FRONTALE 4 MED/18-GENERAL SURGERY not yet allocated Armando Gabbrielli
Simone Giacopuzzi
Luca Landoni
Antonio Maccagnani
ATTIVITA' PRATICA 36 MED/18-GENERAL SURGERY not yet allocated not yet allocated

Learning outcomes

Objectives of general education: the specialist in general surgery must have acquired theoretical knowledge, scientific and professional in the field of pathophysiology, functional and instrumental semiotics and general surgical clinic; also has specific expertise in emergency surgery, emergency room and trauma, in the traditional, endoscopic, gastroenterological surgery and minimally invasive, in endocrinochirurgia, in surgical oncology and surgery, Reconstructive surgery and organ transplantation

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