Postgraduate Specialisation in Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine 4 - DIDATTICA FRONTALE

Course code
Name of lecturers
Francesco Bertoldo, Franco Capra, Luca Giuseppe Dalle Carbonare, Lucia De Franceschi, Pietro Delva, Gian Maria Fabrizi, Cristiano Fava, Anna Maria Fratta Pasini, Simonetta Friso, Domenico Girelli, Claudio Lunardi, Nicola Martinelli, Pietro Minuz, Chiara Mozzini, Oliviero Olivieri, Francesca Pizzolo, Elisa Tinazzi, Giampaolo Tortora
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Academic sector
Language of instruction
not yet allocated

To show the organization of the course that includes this module, follow this link * Course organization

Learning outcomes

To learn the most relevant complications due to the most frequent types of cancer and antitumor agents


Most important complications of internal medicine relevance occurring with the most frequent tumors
Side effects of the principal antitumor chemotherapeutic drugs, targeted agents and immune agents

Reference books
Author Title Publisher Year ISBN Note
Angelo Raffaele Bianco, Sabino De Placido, Giampaolo Tortora e Pierfranco Conte Oncologia Clinica 2/ed (Edizione 2) McGraw-Hill Education (Italy) srl 2016 9788838639845

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral examination

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