
Degree courses in health and prevention professions

Active courses present: 3

About myself: Three year degree courses for health and prevention professions. The three year degree course ensures mastery of general and specific methods and content applicable to the world of work.

Degree courses in health rehabilitation

Active courses present: 5

About myself: Three-year degree courses in health rehabilitation. The three-year degree ensures a command of methods and general and specific contents which may be put to use in working practice.

Degree courses in nursing and obstetrics

Active courses present: 6

About myself: Three-year degree courses in nursing and obstetrics. The three-year degree ensures a command of methods, general and specific contents which may be put to use in working practice.

Degree courses in health techniques

Active courses present: 9

About myself: Three-year degree courses in health techniques. The three-year degree ensures a command of methods and general and specific contents which may be put to use in working practice.

Corsi di laurea in scienze motorie

Active courses present: 1

About myself: Corsi di laurea in scienze motorie

Two year Masters / Combined Bachelor and Masters

Specialist single cycle degree courses

Active courses present: 0

About myself: Specialist single cycle degree courses

Master's degrees

Active courses present: 9

About myself:

Combined Bachelor and Masters - Five year degree

Active courses present: 5

About myself: Combined Bachelor and Masters - Five year degree

Postgraduate programmes

Finalised courses

Active courses present: 0

About myself: Information on finalised courses already running

Short Masters programmes

Active courses present: 49

About myself: First and second level courses in post-graduate scientific areas, giving a high permanent and recurrent training

Postgraduate Specialisation programmes

Active courses present: 49

About myself: Postgraduate Specialisation programmes

Other courses

Advanced / Professional development courses

Active courses present: 22

About myself: Advanced / Professional development courses

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