Postgraduate Specialisation in Haematology

Course modules

Course Not running, not visible

List of teachings with the periods that have not been assigned
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
F Other activities 1 not yet allocated
A Anatomic Pathology Marco Chilosi
C anestesiology not yet allocated
B Anestesiologia 1 (tronco comune-emergenze e p.s.) not yet allocated
A Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology Giancesare Guidi
B Diagnostica per immagini e radioterapia 1 (tronco comune) not yet allocated
B Endocrinologia 1 Enzo Bonora
E Esame di profitto teorico-pratico 1 not yet allocated
A Genetica medica (discipline generali) Alberto Turco
B Malattie dell'apparato cardiovascolare (tronco comune - clinico) not yet allocated
B Hematology not yet allocated
B Hematology not yet allocated
B Medicina interna 1 (tronco comune - clinico) not yet allocated
B Medicina interna (tronco comune - emergenza e pronto soccorso) not yet allocated
A Microbiology and clinical microbiology I not yet allocated
A Clinical pathology Giorgio Berton
F Other activities 2 not yet allocated
B Pathological anatomy Marco Chilosi
B Biochimica clinica e biologia molecolare clinica (discipline elettive) Giancesare Guidi
E Esame di profitto teorico-pratico 2 not yet allocated
B Gastroenterology Luigi Benini
B Skin and Venereal Diseases Giampiero Girolomoni
B Malattie del sangue 2 not yet allocated
B Hematology not yet allocated
B Medicina interna 2 (tronco comune - clinico) Orazio Michele Codella
B Nefrologia 2 (tronco comune) not yet allocated
C Statistica medica 2 Roberto De Marco
F Neuroradiology not yet allocated
E Esame di profitto teorico-pratico 3 not yet allocated
C General and Applied Hygiene Stefano Tardivo
B Malattie dell'apparato cardiovascolare 3 (tronco comune) Corrado Vassanelli
B Malattie del sangue 3 not yet allocated
B Hematology not yet allocated
B Internal Medicine 3 Anna Maria Fratta Pasini
B Nefrologia 3 Antonio Lupo
C Neurology Luigi Giuseppe Bongiovanni
F Other Activities not yet allocated
B Chirurgia generale 4 (tronco comune) Alfredo Guglielmi
E Esame di profitto teorico-pratico 4 not yet allocated
B Malattie del sangue 4 not yet allocated
B Hematology not yet allocated
B Internal Medicine 4 Luca Giuseppe Dalle Carbonare
C Legal and Forensic Medicine Franco Tagliaro
B Medical Oncology for oncologists 4 -5 Emilio Bria
F Altre attivita' 5 not yet allocated
E Esame di profitto teorico-pratico 5 not yet allocated
B Malattie del sangue 5 not yet allocated
B Malattie del sangue 5 (discipline specifiche) not yet allocated
B Malattie infettive 5 not yet allocated
E Prova finale 5 not yet allocated
B Reumatologia 5 Silvano Adami

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