Mariantonietta Cicoira

foto per sito,  November 7, 2017
+39 045 812 7720
mariantonietta|cicoira*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.

Office Hours

Tuesday, Hours 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM,   Ospedale Civile Maggiore, Floor 2, room 257


Professor Mariantonietta Cicoira obtained a degree in Medicine with honors at the University of Verona; specialization in Cardiology with summa cum laude at the University of Verona; PhD in Chronic-degenerative diseases at the University of Verona. She has worked as researcher and is currently appointed as Associate Professor in Cardiology at the Cardiology Section, Department of Medicine, University of Verona, Verona, Italy. She is teacher in Cardiology at the postgraduate specialization school in Cardiology, Anesthesiology, Sport Medicine of the University of Verona. She is member of the teaching committee of the PhD School in Cardiovascular Sciences. 
She has conducted research activity at the Cardiology Department, Roayl Brompton Hospital, NHLI, in London (UK). Her main clinical competences are acute anc chronic heart failure, advanced heart failure, intensive cardiac care, evaluation of exercise capacity in patients with advanced heart failure, ischemic heart disease, secondary cardiovascular prevention and rehabilitation. 
She has authore more than 100 scientific publications and is referee for the most important cardiological and internal medicine international scientific journals. She has participated as speaker, chairman or organizer at several national and international congresses. She is member of the Italian Society of Caridology, Fellow of the European Society of Caridology and member of the european Society of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation. Prof. Cicoira obtained important awards from national and international scientific societies (SIC, ESAC). 
She is member of regional committees on the management and treatment of patients with chronic heart failure and advanced refractory heart failure. She participates and coordinates research activities on acute and chronic heart failure. 

Bibliometric indexes (Scopus): H-index: 35; documents: 106; citations: 4011.


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Vai al dipartimento di riferimento: Medicine
Topic Description Research area
Acute and chronic heart failure Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems
Vai al dipartimento di riferimento: Medicine

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Office Collegial Body
PhD student representative Council for the Department of Biomedical and Surgical Science Cardiology Section

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