Luisa Saiani

Prof.ssa Luisa Saiani,  March 2, 2022
Temporary Professor
Academic sector
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luisa|saiani2*gmail|com <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.

2016 - Full Professor in Nursing Science, University of Verona, Verona, Italy

2001 - 2015  Associate Professor in Nursing Science,  University of Verona, Verona, Italy

Main responsibilities

  • Education: (a) leading the development of health care professionals education and students’ learning experience both at under and post graduate levels; (a) designing and developing a range of study programs at different levels; (b) developing, promoting and assessing of innovative teaching and assessment methods in order to increase the effectiveness of university education; (c) supervising students from undergraduate to Doctorate levels, and (d) mentoring newly appointed researchers and professors in the field of health care science education.
  • Research, Enterprise and Scholarship: (a) leading and coordinating research projects on nursing-sensitive outcomes, primary nursing care, advanced nursing practice, and nursing/health care professional education; (b) managing research and other collaborative partnerships with different educational institutions and external bodies (e.g. professional) at National and International levels; (c) leading research funds, consultancy; and (d) disseminating research findings to promote an evidence-based practice.
  • Third mission: (a) liaison and networking developing by implementing an effective cooperation in relevant internal and external networks, bodies, institutions especially with partners of the National Health System (Health care trusts, Regions, Professional bodies of health care workers); (b) contributing to the enhancement of research quality and thinking in the field of nursing and health care sciences by being involved in quality assurance, external decision-making bodies, research councils, groups and subject associations; (c) promoting relevant internal and external networks, both locally and nationally, with healthcare providers (e.g. IRCSS Istituto Oncologico Veneto)


Other Responsibilities at the university level

Vice – President of the Bachelor in Nursing Degree, > 1700 students

Vice – President of the Master in Nursing and Midwifery Degree,

Director of 3 Masters  involving150 health care professional

Internal Member of the Nucleo di Valutazione (Evaluation Board)


Other Responsibilities at the National level

President of the National Conference of Bachelor's and Master's Degree Courses of Health Professions aimed at (a) promoting policies and guidelines to improve the quality of education among health care professionals, (b) collaborating with national bodies and institutions (Minister of Health and Minister of University)

Member of the National Observatory for Healthcare Professions

Member of the Council of the Doctoral Program in Nursing Sciences and Public Health, Tor Vergata University, Rome

Previous Responsibilities

2001- 2016 - Associate Professor in Nursing, University of Verona, Verona, Italy Director

2001 Director of the Centre of Higher Education for Health Sciences, Trento, Italy


Translation research lines in the field of health promotion, digital health, and models of care delivery in collaboration with regional and national health care institutions and systems (last five years)

(a) Developing and assessing the effectiveness of organisational models in primary health care to manage chronic conditions (partner of the research project);

(b) assessing the effectiveness of the E-Health in the context of advanced home palliative care (leader of the research project);

(c) measuring missed nursing care in the medical and surgical contexts and detecting in cooperation with health care stakeholders’ strategies to prevent and/or minimize missed nursing care (leader of the research project);

(d) advancing the knowledge regarding the nursing sensitive outcomes: longitudinal studies at the national level (12 hospitals, in different regions) aimed at discovering the relationship between nursing care and patient outcomes and at designing policies promoting the best care (leader of the research project);

(e) deepening reasons triggering the decision making of health care professionals, possible alternatives and outcomes of physical restrains as applied in large acute and long-term settings (leader of the research project).


Modules running in the period selected: 2.
Click on the module to see the timetable and course details.

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Topic Description Research area
Nursing Elderly: Prevalence and avoidability of physical restraints, nursing and pharmacovigilance, avoidability of problems affecting older people, treatment of pressure sores. Organizational research: innovative nursing care models, prevention of nurses’ turnover, continuity of care, screening of patients at risk of difficult discharge. Caring in nursing: actions and perceptions. Correlation between skill mix of nursing teams and occurrence of negative outcomes in hospitalized patients. Nursing skills for nurses working with General Practioners. Evolving skills in health care professions. Validation process of an instrument to assess teaching clinical contexts. Impact of postgraduate education on nurses’ professional activity and career progression. Health Care Sciences & Services

Istitutional duties

Other positions held
Office Collegial Body
member Collegio didattico del corso di laurea in Assistenza sanitaria - Medicine and Surgery
member Council for the Degree course in the Sciences of Nursing and Obstretrics - Medicine and Surgery
member Council for the Degree Course in Nursing - Medicine and Surgery
Comitato scientifico del Corso di Perfezionamento in Case management nelle cure primarie - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
Comitato Scientifico del Corso di Perfezionamento in Cure palliative e gestione del dolore nelle malattie croniche - Department Surgery, Dentistry, Paediatrics and Gynaecology
Comitato scientifico del Corso di Perfezionamento in Gestione assistenziale dei problemi socio sanitari nelle cure primarie - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
Comitato scientifico del Corso di Perfezionamento in Gestione dei sintomi con approccio palliativo e cure di fine vita in ambito domiciliare - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
Comitato Scientifico del Corso di Perfezionamento in gestione della demenza nei vari stadi della malattia - Department Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences
Comitato scientifico del Corso di Perfezionamento in Gestione delle risorse e sviluppo delle competenze professionali (riservato a coordinatori delle professioni sanitarie) - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
Comitato scientifico del Corso di Perfezionamento in Modelli organizzativi dell'assistenza infermieristica (riservato a coordinatori delle professioni sanitarie) - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
Comitato Scientifico del Corso di Perfezionamento in Nursing assessment avanzato in situazioni assistenziali complesse e di criticità (Sede di Trento)
Comitato Scientifico del Corso di Perfezionamento in Percorsi assistenziali nell'emergenza e urgenza sanitaria della donna e del bambino
Comitato scientifico della Metodologia del case management per la gestione avanzata dei processi assistenziali complessi
Comitato scientifico del master in Case Manager di cure primarie e palliative - Sede di Vicenza - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
member Comitato Scientifico del Master in Cure palliative - Department Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine
Comitato Scientifico del Master in Management avanzato in direzione delle professioni sanitarie - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
Comitato Scientifico del Master in Management per funzioni di coordinamento delle professioni sanitarie - sede di Bolzano - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
Comitato scientifico del Master in Management per Funzioni di Coordinamento delle Professioni Sanitarie – Sede di Trento - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
Comitato scientifico del Master in Management per Funzioni di Coordinamento delle Professioni Sanitarie – Sede di Vicenza - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
Comitato scientifico del Master in Nursing avanzato in Area Critica - Department Surgery, Dentistry, Paediatrics and Gynaecology
Comitato scientifico del Master in Pratica clinica basata sulle prove di efficacia: Evidence Based Practice e Health Technology Assessment, e loro insegnamento - Department Surgery, Dentistry, Paediatrics and Gynaecology
Comitato Scientifico del Master in Revisione e riconciliazione delle terapie farmacologiche - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
Comitato Scientifico del Master in Specializzazione in nursing chirurgico perioperatorio - Department Surgery, Dentistry, Paediatrics and Gynaecology
Scientific Committee for the 1st level university Master in Expert in the culture of health safety, social quality of work and responsibility in the Prevention and Protection Service
Comitato scientifico del Master Universitario in Case Manager di cure primarie e palliative - Sede di Trento (I Livello) - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
member Comitato Scientifico del Master Universitario in Infermiere specialista nella sorveglianza epidemiologica e controllo delle infezioni correlate all'assistenza sanitaria (ICAS) - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
Comitato Scientifico del Master Universitario in Infermieristica di Area Critica in Anestesia e Terapia Intensiva
member Comitato Scientifico del Master Universitario in Leadership per funzioni di coordinamento avanzate delle professioni sanitarie - Medicine and Surgery
Comitato Scientifico del Master Universitario in Management per funzioni avanzate di coordinamento di dipartimenti ed aree organizzative complesse – Riservato a coordinatori delle professioni sanitarie (I edizione) - Medicine and Surgery
Comitato Scientifico del Master Universitario in Management per funzioni di coordinamento delle professioni sanitarie (Sede di Bolzano) - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
Comitato Scientifico del Master Universitario in Management per funzioni di coordinamento delle professioni sanitarie - Sede di Trento
Comitato Scientifico del Master Universitario in Management per funzioni di coordinamento delle professioni sanitarie (Sede di Vicenza) - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
Comitato Scientifico del Master Universitario in Metodologie tutoriali e di coordinamento dell’insegnamento clinico nelle professioni sanitarie e sociali - Medicine and Surgery
Comitato scientifico del Master Universitario in Nursing avanzato di emergenza e urgenza sanitaria (I livello) - Department Surgery, Dentistry, Paediatrics and Gynaecology
Comitato Scientifico del Master Universitario in Nursing avanzato nella gestione della complessità in età geriatrica
vice dean Commissione didattica del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze infermieristiche e ostetriche - Collegio Didattico unificato di Infermieristica, Scienze Infermieristiche ed Ostetriche e Assistenza sanitaria
member Presidency Council - Faculty Council
Corso di Perfezionamento in Cure palliative pediatriche - Department Surgery, Dentistry, Paediatrics and Gynaecology
member Evaluation group

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