Claudio Lunardi

foto premio,  May 7, 2018
claudio|lunardi*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Not present since
December 31, 2019

Medical education:
- Graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Padua, Italy, 4th July 1978; Marks: 110/110 Magna cum laude;
- Specialised in Internal Medicine at the University of Verona, July 1983; Marks: 70/70 Magna cum laude;
- Specialised in Clinical Immunology and Allergy at the University of Padua, Italy, December 1990; Marks: 70/70 Magna cum Laude;
- Master in Immunology at King's College, University of London, July 1991.
- Qualifications: MD.
Previous appointments:
1) November 1975 - November 1985: Internship in Internal Medicine;
2) December 1985 - November 1989: University Researcher, Institute of Clinica Medica, University of Verona;
3) October 1989 - August 1992: Research Fellow, Rheumatology Unit, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital, London.
Present appointments:
1) Associate Professor in Clinical Immunology and Allergology, Department of Medicine, University of Verona - I
2) Director of the Specialization School in Allergology and Clinical Immunology, University of Verona
3) Director of the Master Course in Immunology of Lung Diseases, University of Verona and University "Vita Salute", San Raffaele, Milan
Teaching Activity:
- Clinical Immunology and Allergy, 5th year course, medicine students, School of Medicine, University of Verona
- PhD students attending the PhD course in Biomolecular Medicine, University of Verona
- Specialization Courses in Internal Medicine, Allergy and Clinical Immunology, ENT, Neck and Facial Surgery, Radiology, Emergency Medicine, Infectious Diseases
- Supervisor of the International PhD Course in Molecular Medicine, University "Vita Salute", San Raffaele, Milan
Research Activity:
The research projects have been focused on the pathogenesis of systemic autoimmune diseases, in particular on the link between infections and autoimmune responce, gene expression profiling and epigentic aspects in autoimmune diseases including systemic sclerosis, seronegative spondiloarthropaties. Gene expression profiling has been performed also before and after biotechnologic therapy. Another project deals with primary immunodeficiencies and autoimmunity.
2007. Patent n. PCT/EP2007/003036: Peptides, antibodies and fragments thereof for the treatment and diagnosis of celiac disease.
2009. Patent n 5548: Antibody associated with autoimmune pancreatitis and use thereof.
2015. Patent for ELISA kit for detection of human lipocalin in the diagnosis of Sjogren Syndrome (Italian Patent Office: application 102015000020005).
2016. Patent "Diagnosis and therapy of Ankylosis Spondylitis" Italian Patent Office. May 2016: SpinOff StartUp Diamante for the utilitation of an ELISA kit in the diagnosis of Sjogren Syndorme.


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Topic Description Research area
The autoinflammatory diseases are a heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by a genetic mutation able to modify the immune response and in particular innate immunity cells function. The clinical onset is characterized by the appearance of a continuous or sub-continuous inflammatory picture and is represented by fever, articular and/or cutaneous and/or serological involvement usually in the first years of life. Immunology
Immunodeficienze primitive Le immunodeficienze primitive sono caratterizzate da un difetto dell'immunità innata o adattativa dovuto nella maggioranza dei casi ad una mutazione genetica. Sono caratterizzate da infezioni frequenti, maggiore suscettibilità a neoplasie e possono presentarsi con malattie autoimmuni, autoinfiammatorie o allergiche. Immunology
Autoimmune diseases are a heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by a common triad represented by genetic predisposition, environmental influence, dysregulation of the immune system with different clinical presentation according to the different pathology. Immunology

Other positions held
  • Associate Professor from 10/1/02 to 2/28/10 Department in Clinical and Experimental Medicine [Department deactivate from 5/24/10. Confluito nel nuovo dipartimento di Medicina]
  • Assistant Professor from 1/1/01 to 9/30/02 Department in Clinical and Experimental Medicine [Department deactivate from 5/24/10. Confluito nel nuovo dipartimento di Medicina]
  • Associate Professor from 3/1/10 to 2/15/22 Department Medicine
  • Associate Professor from 12/2/85 to 12/31/19 Faculty of Medicine and Surgery
Office Collegial Body
member Comitato Scientifico del Corso di Perfezionamento in Diagnosi e gestione della farmacoallergia - Department Medicine

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