Scuola di Specializzazione in Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica (D.I. 68/2015)

Scuola di Specializzazione in Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica (D.I. 68/2015)
for Information

Operational unit: Teaching administration

To see your indicative training path, select your registration year

Programme training activities
The training activities with the same number (Nº) are alternatives.
TTA Year Credits Activity Academic year of attendance
1 F Altre attivita' 1 - Other activities 1 (-) 2020/2021
2 A Biochimica clinica e biologia molecolare clinica - Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology (BIO/12) 2020/2021
3 E Esame di profitto teorico-pratico 1 (-) 2020/2021
4 A Genetica medica - Medical Genetics (MED/03) 2020/2021
5 B 41  Immunodeficienze primitive - Primary immunodeficiency disorders (MED/09) 2020/2021
6 B 15  Medicina interna (tronco comune) (MED/09) 2020/2021
7 A Patologia generale - General pathology (MED/04) 2020/2021
8 A Anatomia patologica - Pathological anatomy (MED/08) 2021/2022
9 E Esame di profitto teorico-pratico 2 (-) 2021/2022
10 B 55  Malattie autoimmuni sistemiche e malattie autoinfiammatorie - Autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases (MED/09) 2021/2022
11 C Malattie dell'apparato respiratorio - Respiratory Diseases (MED/10) 2021/2022
12 C Malattie del sangue - Hematology (MED/15) 2021/2022
13 A Microbiologia e microbiologia clinica - Microbiology and clinical microbiology (MED/07) 2021/2022
14 F Reumatologia - Rheumatology (MED/16) 2021/2022
15 B 56  Allergologia - Allergology (MED/09) 2022/2023
16 F Altre attivita' 3 - Neuroradiology (-) 2022/2023
17 E Esame di profitto teorico-pratico 3 (-) 2022/2023
18 C Malattie cutanee e veneree - Skin and Venereal Diseases (MED/35) 2022/2023
19 C Malattie infettive - Infectious Diseases (MED/17) 2022/2023
20 C Nefrologia - Nephrology (MED/14) 2022/2023
21 F Altre attivita' 4 - Other Activities (-) 2023/2024
22 E Esame di profitto teorico-pratico 4 (-) 2023/2024
23 B 43  Immunologia clinica e allergologia - Clinical immunology and allergology (MED/09) 2023/2024
24 E 15  Prova finale - Final exam (MED/09)

Legend | Type of training activity (TTA)

The training activities with the same number (Nº) are alternatives.

A Basic activities
B Characterizing activities
C Related or complementary activities

DActivities to be chosen by the student
EFinal examination
FOther activitites

SPlacements in companies, public or private institutions and professional associations

Per informazioni complete su obiettivi e sbocchi professionali, consulta la Scheda Unica Annuale "SUA-CdS" sul sito Universitaly.

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