Technical Planning Commission

Cristiano Chiamulera
Body type
Commission for another body
Reference body

Administration office
Segreteria didattica del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Medicina e Chirurgia e del Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Medicina e Chirurgia ad indirizzo tecnologico
Medicine and Surgery
The TPC, having consulted the Course Coordinators and Teachers of the scientific-disciplinary sectors related to the disciplinary area of the class, has the following duties:
1. it identifies the training objectives of the "core curriculum" and attributes the related training credits on the basis of the total time required of the Students for carrying out the course; 2. it groups the training objectives into training courses that are suitable for the CCLS training aims; 3. it proposes, with the consent of the interested persons, adhesion to Professor and Researcher Courses taking account of the didactic necessities of the CCLS, the scientific-disciplinary sectors the teachers belong to, their inclinations and individual didactic load; 4. it plans, in agreement with the Teachers, the allocation of specific didactic duties to Professors and Researchers, with the aim of fulfilling the training objectives of each Course, guaranteeing at the same time, the training effectiveness and respect of individual skills; 5. it identifies, with the Teachers, the most suitable didactic methods for achieving each single didactic-training objective; 6. it organises the elective didactic activity options available and proposes that they be run,to the CCLS. Furthermore, the TPC:
discusses, with the teachers, the preparation methods for training and certified tests for assessinglearning, in cohesion with the pre-established training objectives;
organises permanent monitoring of all didactic activities with an assessment of the quality of the results, also by means of the evaluations officially expressed by the students;
promotes didactic training initiatives for the teachers; organises a permanent tutorship service for students in order to make their study progress easier.

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