Council for the Degree Course in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques

Gian Luca Salvagno
Body type
Teaching Committee
Administration office
Secretary's Office for study courses
Medicine and Surgery
The Degree Course Council is made up of all the Course teachers and does the work laid down in the University Regulations. Also participating at meetings are the training practice and guided apprenticeship Coordinators, one student representative, one apprenticeship tutor representative. DUTIES: From within the Degree Course Council a Presidency Council will be elected made up of a President, Coordinators, and at least two teacher representatives. The Degree Course Council can ask the Presidency Council to carry out some duties for the coordination of normal didactic activities. The Degree Course Council can delegate further duties with deliberative powers. The President of the Degree Course Council is backed by the collaboration of the pratical training activity and guided apprenticeship Coordinator, known as the the professional training activity Coordinator, and belonging to the same professional profile as the Degree in question. The professional training activity Coordinator is nominated for a three-year post by the Degree Course Council from among the teachers of the disciplinary scientific sector of the specific Degree Course and should be highly qualified both in the professional field and in training. The Coordinator is responsible for organising apprenticeships and their integration with the other training activities in cohesion with the didactic programme drawn up by the Degree Course Council.

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