Postgraduate Specialisation in Sport and Exercise Medicine

Scuola di Specializzazione in Medicina dello Sport e dell'Esercizio Fisico (D.I. 68/2015)

Course modules

List of teachings with the periods that have not been assigned
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
A Human Anatomy Carlo Zancanaro
A Biochemistry Marta Palmieri
A Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology Giuseppe Lippi
B Physiology See the teaching page
B ECG Holter monitoring Mariantonietta Cicoira (Coordinator)
B Respiratory Diseases See the teaching page
B Sport Medicine See the teaching page
B Medicina d'emergenza-urgenza See the teaching page
B Internal Medicine Luca Giuseppe Dalle Carbonare (Coordinator)
B Medicina interna (tronco comune) See the teaching page
F Seminari e convegni 1 See the teaching page
A Medical statistics Lucia Cazzoletti
B Echocardiography See the teaching page
B Endocrinology Paolo Moghetti
A Pharmacology Cristiano Chiamulera
B Exercise Physiology See the teaching page
B Respiratory Diseases 2 See the teaching page
B Sport Medicine 2 Marcello Ferrari (Coordinator)
C Legal Medicine Domenico De Leo
F Seminari e convegni 2 Marcello Ferrari
B Aspetti internistici e medico sportivi nell'ambito delle malattie dell'apparato locomotore See the teaching page
C Imaging and Radiotherapy Diagnostics Mirko D'Onofrio
B Esercizio nelle malattie cardiache See the teaching page
B Physiology 3 See the teaching page
C Muscoloskeletal diseases Eugenio Vecchini
B Sport Medicine 3 Marcello Ferrari (Coordinator)
F Methods and didactics of motor activities Paola Cesari
E Prova finale 3 See the teaching page
F Seminari e convegni 3 Marcello Ferrari

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