Postgraduate Specialisation in Paediatrics

Course modules

Course Not running, not visible

List of teachings with the periods that have not been assigned
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
F Other activities 1 Angelo Pietrobelli
A Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology Giancesare Guidi
B Diagnostic Imaging Costanza Bruno
E Esame di profitto teorico-pratico 1 See the teaching page
B Pharmacology Laura Cuzzolin
A Genetica medica Alberto Turco
C General and Applied Hygiene Albino Poli
C Infectious Diseases Ercole Concia
C Legal Medicine Domenico De Leo
A Microbiology and clinical microbiology Marzia Boaretti
B General and Specialistic Pediatrics 1 See the teaching page
B Pediatria generale e specialistica 1 (tronco comune - clinico ) See the teaching page
B Pediatria generale e specialistica 1 (tronco comune - emergenza e p.s.) Paolo Biban
A Medical statistics Maria Elisabetta Zanolin
F Other activities 2 See the teaching page
B Anatomia e istologia patologica Marco Chilosi
B Chirurgia pediatrica 2 Francesco Saverio Camoglio
B Diagnostica per immagini 2 Costanza Bruno
B Endocrinologia 2 Enzo Bonora
E Esame di profitto teorico-pratico 2 See the teaching page
B Oral pathologies 2 Fiorenzo Faccioni
B Child neuropsychiatry Bernardo Dalla Bernardina
B General and specialist paediatrics 2 (type-specific disciplines) See the teaching page
B Pediatria generale e specialistica 2 (tronco comune - clinico) See the teaching page
B Pediatria generale e specialistica 2 (tronco comune - emergenza e p.s ) See the teaching page
B Medicine and laboratory technical sciences Giancesare Guidi
F Neuroradiology See the teaching page
B Surgical treatment of heart and great vessels disease Giovanni Battista Luciani
E Esame di profitto teorico-pratico 3 See the teaching page
B Gynaecology and Obstetrics Ricciarda Raffaelli
B Malattie dell'apparato cardiovascolare 3 Corrado Vassanelli
B Neurology Alessandro Simonati
B Neuroradiology Roberto Pozzi Mucelli
B General and Specialistic Pediatrics 3 See the teaching page
B Pediatria generale e specialistica 3 (tronco comune - clinico) Gabriella Errico
F Other Activities See the teaching page
E Esame di profitto teorico-pratico 4 See the teaching page
B Malattie apparato visivo (discipline elettive ) Roberta Morbio
B Skin and Venereal Diseases Giampiero Girolomoni
B Muscoloskeletal diseases Bruno Magnan
B Medicina fisica e riabilitazione 4 Nicola Smania
B Otolaryngology Anna Maria Rosa Aragno
B Pediatria generale e specialistica 4 See the teaching page
F Altre attivita' 5 See the teaching page
E Attività formative in preparazione dell'esame finale See the teaching page
E Esame di profitto teorico-pratico 5 See the teaching page
B General and specialistic paediatrics See the teaching page

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