Postgraduate Specialisation in Cardiac Surgery

Course modules

Course Not running, not visible

List of teachings with the periods that have not been assigned
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
F Other Activities See the teaching page
B Surgical treatment of heart and great vessels diseases See the teaching page
B Chirurgia cardiaca 4 (tronco comune - clinico - attivita' pratica) See the teaching page
B Chirurgia cardiaca 4 (tronco comune - clinico - didattica frontale) Aldo Domenico Milano
B Chirurgia toracica 4 Maurizio Valentino Infante
B Chirurgia vascolare 4 Gian Franco Veraldi
E Esame di profitto teorico-pratico 4 See the teaching page
B Malattie dell'apparato cardiovascolare 4 Flavio Luciano Ribichini
E Prova finale 4 See the teaching page
F Altre attivita' 5 See the teaching page
B Acquired and congenital heart disease amenable of surgery See the teaching page
B Practical evaluation in operating room See the teaching page
E Esame di profitto teorico-pratico 5 See the teaching page
C Medicina legale 5 Franco Tagliaro
E Prova finale 5 See the teaching page

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