The main tasks of the course is to illustrate the molecular mechanisms responsible for cell and tissue damage, as well as involved in host responses to pathogen invasion and in repair. In addition, the course addresses pathophysiological mechanisms at the basis of alterations of the main homeostatic systems, compensation responses induced by these alterations, and their potential significance as mechanisms of diseases.
Il programma consiste in un gruppo di lezioni valido per diverse scuole di specialita', come segue: lezione1= Neutrophils in the modulation of immune responses in health and diseases; lezione2= Il concetto di terapia personalizzata applicato alla fibrosi cistica; lezione3=
le cellule dendritiche: nuovi approcci classificativi e possibili utilizzi in medicina; lezione4=
Role of lncRNAs in the type I interferon response;
lezione5= the biology of slan+ monocytes;
lezione6= La migrazione e l’attivazione dei leucociti durante le malattie infiammatorie croniche: aspetti patogenetici e terapeutici.
Exam consists in a conversation on some selected topics discussed during the various lessons
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