The aim of these two lessons/seminars is to illustrate the main causes of hypoxemia in humans: hypoxia, hypoventilation, decreased lung diffusion capacity for oxygen, alteration of the ventilation-perfusion relationship.
The oxygen cascade Concept of respiratory gas exchange Numerical analysis with a mono-compartmental model of the relationship between ventilation and PAO2-PaO2 Hypoventilation and hypoxemia Decreased oxygen diffusion capacity and hypoxemia Dempsey effect or Exercise Induced Arterial Hypoxemia Normobaric hypoxia and hypobaric hypoxia as causes of hypoxemia Distribution of the pulmonary ventilation-perfusion ratio How to construct the distribution curve of the V'A/Q' ratio Maldistribution of the ventilation-perfusion ratio as a cause of hypoxemia (bicompartmental model) The veno-arterial shunt as a cause of hypoxemia Quantification of alveolar dead space and wasted alveolar ventilation (Riley's three-compartmental model)
Self-assessment test using Kahoot
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