Postgraduate Specialisation in Otorhinolaryngology

Postgraduate Specialisation in Otorhinolaryngology

Otolaringology 3 - DIDATTICA FRONTALE (2022/2023)

Course code
Academic sector
Language of instruction
Teaching is organised as follows:
Activity Credits Period Academic staff
Audiologia 3 - MONZANI DANIELE 1 not yet allocated Daniele Monzani
Pedodonzia 3 - ZOTTI 0.5 not yet allocated Francesca Zotti
Trattamenti chir. OSAS 3 - Trevisiol Lorenzo 0.5 not yet allocated Andrea Lovato
Otorinolaringoiatria 3 - SACCHETTO 8 not yet allocated Luca Sacchetto
Medicina estetica 3 - Bertossi Dario 1 not yet allocated Dario Bertossi
Chirurgia della base cranio laterale 3 - BANDO SSN 1 not yet allocated Luca Sacchetto
Chirurgia del collo e della laringe 3 - SACCHETTO 1 not yet allocated Luca Sacchetto
Chirurgia dei seni paranasali ... 3 - SACCHETTO 1 not yet allocated Luca Sacchetto
Chirurgia delle ghiandole salivari 3 - Bianconi Luca 1 not yet allocated Luca Bianconi
Chirurgia dell'orecchio medio 3 - MONZANI DANIELE 1 not yet allocated Daniele Monzani

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fundamentals of pediatric dentistry and relationship between facial growth and head and neck syndromic affections

Assessment methods and criteria

written or oral tests

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