Postgraduate Specialisation in Otorhinolaryngology

Postgraduate Specialisation in Otorhinolaryngology

Otolaryngology 2 - DIDATTICA FRONTALE (2022/2023)

Course code
Academic sector
Language of instruction
Teaching is organised as follows:
Activity Credits Period Academic staff
Lesioni del cavo orale - Albanese Massimo 0.5 not yet allocated Massimo Albanese
Patologia malformativa scheletrica in età ped - D'Agostino Antonio 0.5 not yet allocated Antonio D'Agostino
Otorinolaringoiatria 2 - MONZANI 6 not yet allocated Daniele Monzani
Anatomia e patologia delle ghiandole salivari 2 - MONZANI 2 not yet allocated Daniele Monzani
Anatomofisiologia delle vie uditive 2 2 not yet allocated Marco Carner
Anatomia e chirurgia endoscopica ...1 SACCHETTO 1 not yet allocated Luca Sacchetto
Anatomia e chirurgia endoscopica ...2 1 not yet allocated Andrea Lovato
Anatomia della base cranica laterale 2 - Bianconi Luca 1 not yet allocated Luca Bianconi
Anatomia e fisiologia dell'orecchio medio - MONZANI DANIELE 1 not yet allocated Daniele Monzani

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