Postgraduate Specialisation in Digestive System Diseases

Postgraduate Specialisation in Digestive System Diseases

Gastroenterology 2 (specific topic) - DIDATTICA FRONTALE (2022/2023)

Course code
Academic sector
Language of instruction
Teaching is organised as follows:
Activity Credits Period Academic staff
Gastroenterologia 2 - Frulloni 0.5 not yet allocated Luca Frulloni
Gastroenterologia 2 - De Pretis 0.5 not yet allocated Nicolo' De Pretis
Gastroenterologia 2 - Gabbrielli 0.5 not yet allocated Armando Gabbrielli
Gastroenterologia 2 - Ciccocioppo 0.5 not yet allocated not yet allocated
Fegato-epatiti virali 2 - Campagnola 0.5 not yet allocated Pietro Campagnola
Fegato-epatiti e cirrosi 2 - Passigato 0.5 not yet allocated Nicola Passigato
Pancreas 2 - Amodio 1 not yet allocated Antonio Amodio
Stomaco 2 - Comberlato 0.5 not yet allocated Michele Comberlato
Esofago 2 - Bernardoni 0.5 not yet allocated Laura Bernardoni
Tubo digerente 2 - Azzurro 0.5 not yet allocated Maurizio Azzurro
Colon Corso Base 0.5 not yet allocated Pierenrico Lecis
Colon Corso Base Avanzato 0.5 not yet allocated Pierenrico Lecis
Malattie infiammatorie croniche intestinali IBD 2 - Bocus 0.5 not yet allocated Paolo Bocus
Oncologia Gastroenterologica 2 - Auriemma 0.5 not yet allocated Alessandra Auriemma
Oncologia Pancreas 2 - Crinò 0.5 not yet allocated Stefano Francesco Crinò
Patologia funzionale gastroenterologica 2 - Bulighin 0.5 not yet allocated Gianmarco Bulighin
Patologie delle vie biliari 2 - Steinle 0.5 not yet allocated Hartmut Steinle
Ecografia addome-fegato 2 - Pallini 1 not yet allocated Paolo Pallini

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Discussion of clinical cases

Assessment methods and criteria

not necessary

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