Scuola di Specializzazione in Medicina e Cure Palliative (D.I. 1109/2021)

medical Oncology (2022/2023)

Course code
Sara Pilotto

Teaching is organised as follows:
Unit Credits Academic sector Period Academic staff
DIDATTICA FRONTALE 1 MED/06-MEDICAL ONCOLOGY not yet allocated Sara Pilotto
ATTIVITA' PRATICA 13 MED/06-MEDICAL ONCOLOGY not yet allocated not yet allocated

Learning outcomes

The objective of the course is to provide MFS with tools to understand the prognostic implications relating to the main types of oncological pathologies, the available therapeutic options, indications and toxicities (with a focus on the management of adverse events), oncological emergencies, supportive therapies and end of life.

Reference books

See the teaching bibliography

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