Scuola di Specializzazione in Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica (D.I. 68/2015)

Allergology (2022/2023)

Course code

Teaching is organised as follows:
Unit Credits Academic sector Period Academic staff
DIDATTICA FRONTALE 2 MED/09-INTERNAL MEDICINE See the unit page See the unit page
ATTIVITA' PRATICA 54 MED/09-INTERNAL MEDICINE not yet allocated not yet allocated

Learning outcomes

know the fundamental alterations of the lymphoid organs, the functional alterations and the control mechanisms of the immune system, as well as the determining causes, the immunogenetic substrate and the lesions corresponding to them; know the morphological pictures from an anatomical and histopathological point of view of the main immunological diseases and the prevalent lymphoproliferative diseases; know the pathogenetic mechanisms and immuno-allergological implications in the course of the main infectious diseases; know the inflammatory and immuno-allergological mechanisms of control of complex chronic pathologies; know the mechanisms of action, metabolism, therapeutic and adverse effects of drugs and pharmacological and biological aids in the treatment of allergic diseases

Reference books

See the teaching bibliography

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