Postgraduate Specialisation in Rheumatology

Rheumatology (2022/2023)

Teaching is organised as follows:
Unit Credits Academic sector Period Academic staff
DIDATTICA FRONTALE 12 MED/16-RHEUMATOLOGY See the unit page See the unit page
ATTIVITA' PRATICA 40 MED/16-RHEUMATOLOGY not yet allocated not yet allocated

Learning outcomes

Knowledge and ability to understand; Application capacity; Autonomy of judgement; Communication skills. Specifically, the specialist in Rheumatology must have acquired theoretical, scientific and professional knowledge in the field of the pathophysiology and clinic of rheumatological diseases; the sector has expertise in functional and instrumental semiotics, clinical methodology and therapy of rheumatological pathologies. Specific areas of expertise are the pathophysiology and clinic of rheumatological diseases, both medical ones that affect the musculoskeletal system and systemic autoimmune or autoinflammatory ones. Knowledge and ability to understand; Application capacity; Autonomy of judgement; Communication skills.

Reference books

See the teaching bibliography

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