Postgraduate Specialisation in Orthopaedics and Traumatology

Postgraduate Specialisation in Orthopaedics and Traumatology

muscoloskeletal diseases - DIDATTICA FRONTALE (2020/2021)

Course code
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Language of instruction
Teaching is organised as follows:
Activity Credits Period Academic staff
MAL. APP. LOC. 4 - MAGNAN 3 not yet allocated Bruno Magnan
MAL. APP. LOC. 4 - RICCI 2 not yet allocated Matteo Ricci
MAL. APP. LOC. 4 - VECCHINI 2 not yet allocated Eugenio Vecchini
MAL. APP. LOC. 4 - SAMAILA 4 not yet allocated Elena Manuela Samaila
MAL. APP. LOC. 4 - NEGRI 1 not yet allocated Stefano Negri
MAL. APP. LOC. 4 - MALUTA 1 not yet allocated Tommaso Maluta

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Reference books
Activity Author Title Publisher Year ISBN Note
MAL. APP. LOC. 4 - VECCHINI Mancini-Morlacchi Clinica Ortopedica. ed. Piccin, Padova  
MAL. APP. LOC. 4 - VECCHINI Bartolozzi P. Malattie dell'apparato locomotore Cortina editore, Verona 2004

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