Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery

Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurosurgery

Human Physiology (2019/2020)

Course code
Leonardo Chelazzi
Academic sector
Language of instruction
Teaching is organised as follows:
Activity Credits Period Academic staff
CHELAZZI 1 not yet allocated Leonardo Chelazzi
BUFFELLI 1 not yet allocated Mario Rosario Buffelli

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Learning outcomes

Develop analytical skills in relation to a topic within the domain of neurophysiology, with a special focus on the functions of the cerebral cortex


Analytical analysis of a topic in the general domain of neurophysiology, with a special focus on the functions of the cerebral cortex

Assessment methods and criteria

The participants will engage in the thorough analytical discussion of a topic concerning the functions of the cerebral cortex

Reference books
Activity Author Title Publisher Year ISBN Note
BUFFELLI Kandel e coll. Principi di Neuroscienze (Edizione 4) Ambrosiana 2015 9788808184450

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