Postgraduate Specialisation in Gynaecology and Obstetrics

Postgraduate Specialisation in Gynaecology and Obstetrics

Gynecology and Obstetrics 3 - DIDATTICA FRONTALE (2018/2019)

Course code
Academic sector
Language of instruction
Teaching is organised as follows:
Activity Credits Period Academic staff
Ginecologia forense - Franchi 3 not yet allocated Massimo Piergiuseppe Franchi
Assistenza medica - Zanconato 2 not yet allocated Giovanni Zanconato
Ginecologia - Raffaelli 3 not yet allocated Ricciarda Raffaelli

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Learning outcomes

Knowledge of oncologic pathologies in Gynecology. Technical steps in gynecologic surgery for malignancies. Knowledge of reproductive endocrinology, infertility and menopause.


Gynecologic oncology: pathologies, medical and surgical treatment, and surgical techniques. Reproductive endocrinology, infertility and menopause.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral and written

Reference books
Activity Author Title Publisher Year ISBN Note
Ginecologia forense - Franchi Silingardi E Medicina Legale Idelson-Gnocchi 2019 9788879476973
Ginecologia - Raffaelli Nicolaides KH - The Fetal Medicine Foundation Doppler Ultrasound  
Ginecologia - Raffaelli Nicolaides KH - The Fetal Medicine Foundation Fetal Abnormalities  
Ginecologia - Raffaelli Società Italiana di Ecografia Ostetrico Ginecologica Linee Guida SIEOG Editeam 2015
Ginecologia - Raffaelli Società Italiana Ecografia Ostetrico Ginecologica Manuale di Ecografia Ostetrica del II e III trimestre (Edizione 2) Editeam 2018
Ginecologia - Raffaelli Bolis G Manuale di Ginecologia e Ostetricia (Edizione 2) EdiSES 2017 9788879599269
Ginecologia - Raffaelli Nicolaides KH - The Fetal Medicine Foundation The 11-13 weeks scan 2004

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