Postgraduate Specialisation in Clinical Pathology and Clinical Biochemistry

Clinical pathology (2017/2018)

Course code
Marco Antonio Cassatella

Teaching is organised as follows:
Unit Credits Academic sector Period Academic staff
DIDATTICA FRONTALE 2 MED/05-CLINICAL PATHOLOGY not yet allocated Marco Antonio Cassatella
ATTIVITA' PRATICA 18 MED/05-CLINICAL PATHOLOGY not yet allocated not yet allocated

Learning outcomes

The course has the aim to describe and study in depth some important subjects of the general pathology, such as leukocyte migration and activation, cystic fibrosis, cytokines, miRNA in physiologic and pathologic immune response, and dendritic cell utilization in medicine


"Leukocyte migration and activation in chronic inflammatory diseases : pathogenetic and therapeutic aspects"
The leukocyte traffikcing
intestinal organoids and personal treatment in cystic fibrosis
cytokines in medicine
"miRNA in physiologic and pathologic immune response"
Dendritic cells: new classifications and their possible use in medicine

Assessment methods and criteria

No exams

Reference books
Author Title Publisher Year ISBN Note
Kumar V, Abbas AK, Aster JC Robbins Basic Pathology (Edizione 10) Elsevier 2018

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