Postgraduate Specialisation in Pathological Anatomy

Course Not running, not visible

Clinical biochemistry and clinical molecular biology 2 - DIDATTICA FRONTALE

Course code
Name of lecturer
Gian Luca Salvagno
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Academic sector
Language of instruction
not yet allocated

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Learning outcomes

1.The role of Laboratory Medicine in the diagnostic process and in the monitoring of diseases and drugs. Particular attention will be given to the interpretation of laboratory tests that concern the diagnosis of the main cardiovascular, haematological and metabolic diseases, discussing some clinical cases.
2.The appropriate methodology in the collection and processing of biological samples;
3. The pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical variables that can influence the reliability of laboratory results.
4) Principal Analytical Techniques of Clinical Biochemistry and Clinical Molecular Biology


Knowledge of the pathophysiological mechanisms and interpretation of laboratory tests related to individual organs and apparatuses, referred above all to the following topics:
• Haemochromocytometric examination,
• Hemocoagulation system,
• Glucose metabolism and diabetes,
• Lipid metabolism, atherosclerotic disease and its complications,
• Acid-base and hydroelectrolytic balance,
• Plasma proteins and inflammation indices,
• Kidney function,
• Liver function,
• Acute myocardial infarction,
• Enzymes in the diagnosis and monitoring of disease,
• Tumor markers,
• Main endocrine abnormalities (thyroid, adrenal gonads, phospho-calcium metabolism),
• Monitoring of pregnancy,
• Applications of molecular biology
• Overview of the main genetic diseases,
• Therapeutic monitoring

Reference books
Author Title Publisher Year ISBN Note
Carl A. Burtis Edward R. Ashwood, David E. Bruns Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics (Edizione 5) Elsevier 2011

Assessment methods and criteria

oral examination

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