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Comprensione ed uso del vocabolario della professione in materia di anatomia, patologie e riabilitazioni. Sviluppo dell’abilità di ricerca, lettura e analisi della letteratura scientifica. Sviluppo dell’abilità di ascolto e comprensione di parlanti nativi e non su temi pertinenti alla professione.
- Anatomy
- Description, diagnosis and treatment of pains, diseases, muscular and neurologic disorders
- The profession in the World: developments and differences, regulations, ethics, specialties, activities and settings
- The environment of the physiotherapist: the team, the tools, the patients and their families, the clinical staff/services.
- Cultural differences worldwide dealing with the body, diseases, healing and rehabilitations: the use of English to communicate with patients from other cultural backgrounds.
- Guidelines for reporting on people with disabilities (as approved by the major medical associations worldwide)
- The scientific article: its structure, its typologies, how and where to retrieve it, how to read and evaluate it; how to write it.
- Quoting, citing and referencing in scientific articles.
- How to write a curriculum vitae and do a job interview.
Lectures on all topics will be supported by the use of various materials:
- Articles published in scientific journals and in medical magazines (skills: reading and writing).
- Videos in English language on the activities of the P.T. (skills: listening and understanding).
- The simulation of cases in which the competence in English is crucial to communicate efficiently with the patient, especially with a different cultural background (skills: speaking and negotiating).
- Online materials published by the WCPT and other international associations (skills: reading, writing, speaking)
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