Specialist degree in Medicine and Surgery (single cycle)

IMPORTANT NOTICES - According to the Legislative Decree. n.18 of 17 March 2020 "Cura Italia" converted into law n. 27/2020 of 24 April 2020.

Students enrolled in the LM/41 class (Class of master's degrees in medicine and surgery)

The MUR, with note protocol n. 8610 of 25/3/2020 with the object: "Abilitation to practice the profession of Doctor-Surgeon - art. 102 - Legislative Decree 17 March 2020, n. 18 (converted with amendments by Law 24 April 2020, n. 27), provides for adapting the LM/41 class system to the regulations above.


Those who have completed/will complete the pre-graduation practical-evaluative internship with a judgment of suitability (according to Ministerial Decree 58/2018), having obtained their degree, are authorized to practice the profession of doctor-surgeon and can proceed with registration at the Medical Association.

Issuance of the licensing certificate

The following fees are required to be paid for the purpose of issuing the professional license:

State fee in the amount of €49.90 to be paid before attendance of the practical evaluation internship begins;

regional habilitation fee to be paid upon delivery of the habilitation title. 

Students enrolled in Class 46/S (Class of Master's Degrees in Medicine and Surgery) and predecessor orders (currently out of course) or students enrolled in Class LM/41 with cohorts prior to the 2014 cohort (currently out of course).

The MUR, in Memorandum Prot. No. 8610 of 3/25/2020 with the subject: “Habilitation to practice as a Doctor-Surgeon - Article 102 - Decree Law March 17, 2020 no. 18” provides that, those enrolled in the former systems, with practical traineeship provided post - graduation (pursuant to DM 445/2001), without prejudice to the rules on the forfeiture of studies, may conclude the course of study without necessarily having to acquire, for the purpose of admission to the final graduation examination, the judgment of suitability of the aforementioned evaluative practical traineeship. In this case, the degree to be issued by the University will have the value only of an academic title. It will remain without prejudice, in any case,in the possibility for such subjects to eventually obtain the license to practice as a medical-surgical doctor at a later date, according to the modalities set forth in paragraph 2 of Article 102, that is, by achieving the evaluation of the internship prescribed by Ministerial Decree No. 445/2001. The Athenaeum will continue to prepare a separate qualification diploma.

Please note that the aforementioned students are in any case allowed to opt for the new system in accordance with the terms and procedures.

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