Postgraduate Specialisation in Child Neuropsychiatry

Scuola di Specializzazione in Neuropsichiatria Infantile (D.I. 68/2015)

Course modules

List of teachings with the periods that have not been assigned
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
A Human Anatomy Paolo Fabene
A Biochemistry Marta Palmieri
E Esame di profitto teorico-pratico 1 not yet allocated
A Human Physiology Leonardo Chelazzi
B Child neuropsychiatry not yet allocated
B Pediatria generale e specialistica 1 (tronco comune - clinico ) not yet allocated
F General and specialistic paediatrics Giorgio Piacentini
F Pediatria generale e specialistica neonatale Attilio Boner
B Imaging and Radiotherapy Diagnostics not yet allocated
E Esame di profitto teorico-pratico 2 not yet allocated
F Fisioterapia eta' evolutiva 1 Nicola Smania
F Fisioterapia eta' evolutiva 2 Marialuisa Gandolfi
A Medical Genetics Alberto Turco
B Child Neuropsychiatry not yet allocated
B Neuroradiologia not yet allocated
B Pediatria generale e specialistica 2 (tronco comune - clinico) not yet allocated
B General Psychology 2 not yet allocated
A Medical statistics not yet allocated
E Esame di profitto teorico-pratico 3 not yet allocated
C Malattie dell'apparato visivo Giorgio Marchini
B Physical and rehabilitative medicine not yet allocated
B Neurology not yet allocated
B Child Neuropsychiatry 3 not yet allocated
C Otolaryngology Daniele Marchioni
B Psychiatry Sarah Tosato
B Psicologia clinica 3 not yet allocated
F Psychoterapy Sarah Tosato
E Esame di profitto teorico-pratico 4 not yet allocated
F Malattie neuromuscolari not yet allocated
C Legal Medicine not yet allocated
C Neurochirurgia not yet allocated
F Neuroimmunology not yet allocated
B (click to insert) Child Neuropsychiatry 4 not yet allocated
B Child neuropsychiatry (emergencies) not yet allocated
F Pediatria emergenze 2 not yet allocated
F Pediatria emergenze neonatali not yet allocated
E Final exam not yet allocated
C Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuro-psichiatriche riabilitative not yet allocated

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