Master's degree in Social Work and Social Policies

Master's degree in Social Work and Social Policies

Course not running

Spazio Moodle non più disponibile Sociology and social work I - RICERCA E VALUTAZIONE SUI SERVIZI (2014/2015)

Course code
Academic sector
Language of instruction
Teaching is organised as follows:
Activity Credits Period Academic staff
Lezioni 5 Semestrino IIB Mauro Niero
Esercitazioni 1 Semestrino IIB Mauro Niero


Not inserted.

Learning outcomes

Objectives of the course are the following:
1) Introducing the student to the use of strategies, methods and techniques for the evaluation of health/social programmes tipically suggested, managed or implemented by the social worker as a componente of his/her professional activity.
2) Promoting he use of mixed research approaches, aimed at gathering the complexity of the implementarion of programmes in contexts of social change or oriented in triggering change.
3) To learn how manage conceptual and technical aspects of social work programmes evaluation.
4) Constructing a simulation of programme-evaluation process framework.


The student will be invited to using all approaches included in the classical dicotomies concerning evaluation in a mixed-approach: formative vs summative evaluation; process vs outcome evaluation; ex.ante vs ex-post evaluation; qualitative vs qualitative evaluation techniques; goal vs stakeholder centred; post-potivisti vs constructivist approach

The organization of lessons will consost of theoretical contributions from the teacher and of presentation of work in progress exercices by students.

Reference text are the following:

- Palumbo M.(2001). Il processo di valutazione: decidere, programmare, valutare. Franco Angeli Milano.
- Stame N.(a cura di). Classici della valutazione. Franco Angeli, Milano.
- Bertin G.(2011). Con-sensus method. Ricerca sociale e costruzione di senso. Franco Angeli, Milano.
- Niero M.(2005). Introduzione alla progettazione e alla pratica della ricerca sociale. Guerini Editori, Milano.
- Niero M.(2008). Il mix qualità-quantità nella ricerca sociale. QuiEdit, Verona.

Assessment methods and criteria

Then exam will consist of the discussion of a paper including the results of the exercise, drafted according to the specific rules which will be indicated by the teacher.

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