Degree in Dental Hygiene (Ala/Trento)

Course modules

Course Not running, not visible

3° anno 1° semestre from 11/8/10 to 1/28/11
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B/C Epidemiological and hygiene methods Stefano Tardivo (Coordinator)
B/C Preventive dental stomatology Egon Gasser (Coordinator)
B Protheses and rehabilitation Daniele De Santis (Coordinator)
B/G Spazio Moodle non più disponibile Dental hygiene science and techniques Pier Francesco Nocini (Coordinator)

3° anno 2° semestre from 2/28/11 to 4/1/11
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B/C Sanitary law, legal medicine and applied bioethics Renata Aleotti (Coordinator)
C Applied psychology Massimo Albanese (Coordinator)

2° anno 2° semestre from 4/4/11 to 5/27/11
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B Restorative Dentistry Giacomo Cavalleri (Coordinator)
B/C Social dentistry Enrico Nava (Coordinator)
B Paradontal treatment and implant treatment Luciano Malchiodi (Coordinator)
B/C Psychology and pedagogics Claudia Goss (Coordinator)

2° anno 1° semestre from 10/1/11 to 11/12/11
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
B/G Orthodontics, skull-mandibular disorders and childish dental medicine I Daniele De Santis (Coordinator)
B Orthodontics, skull-mandibular disorders and childish dental medicine II Annunziata Di Palma (Coordinator)
B/C Principles of pharmacology and anaesthesiology Elisa Bertazzoni Minelli (Coordinator)

List of teachings with the periods that have not been assigned
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
F Headed training (second year) Francesca Baccini (Coordinator)
F Other activities not yet allocated
F Headed training (third year) Francesca Baccini (Coordinator)

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