Bachelor in Speech and Language Therapy (professional)

Course modules

Course Not running, not visible

Lessons from 10/2/06 to 12/7/06
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
A Biological and psychological sciences (I y. - I sem.) Alberto Turco (Coordinator)

lesson from 10/9/06 to 12/20/06
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
A Preparatory sciences (1st year - 1st sem.) Alberto Fenzi (Coordinator)

1st semester lessons from 10/9/06 to 12/23/06
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
D Student's choice (first year) not yet allocated
A Biological and psychological sciences (I y. - I sem.) Alberto Turco (Coordinator)
C Clinical interdisciplinary sciences (1st year - 1st sem.) Francesco Bevilacqua (Coordinator)
A Preparatory sciences (1st year - 1st sem.) Alberto Fenzi (Coordinator)
B Speech therapy sciences (II year - I sem.) Francesco Bevilacqua (Coordinator)
B Medical-surgical science Paolo Bovo (Coordinator)
C Human educational psychology sciences Silvia Savazzi (Coordinator)
S Collection of creditis not related to a particular activity (3rd year - I sem.) Luca Sacchetto
B Speech therapy sciences (III year - I sem.) Francesco Bevilacqua (Coordinator)
B Sciences of the prevention and of sanitary services (III year - I sem.) Luigi Perbellini
C Clinical interdisciplinary sciences (3rd year - 1st sem.) Anna Maria Rosa Aragno (Coordinator)

1st and 2nd semester attachment from 10/9/06 to 9/30/07
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
F Headed training (first year) Francesco Bevilacqua

2nd semester lessons from 3/1/07 to 6/30/07
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
E Scientific English Liliana Colletti
A Biological and psychological sciences (I y. - II sem.) Carlo Alberto Marzi (Coordinator)
B Speech therapy sciences (I year - II sem.) Francesco Bevilacqua (Coordinator)
S Collection of credits not related to a particular activity (II year) Anna Maria Rosa Aragno
B Speech therapy sciences (II year - II sem.) Francesco Bevilacqua (Coordinator)
B Sciences of the prevention and of sanitary services (II year - II sem.) Albino Poli (Coordinator)
C Clinical interdisciplinary sciences (2nd year - 2nd sem.) Luca Sacchetto
S Collection of credits not related to a particular activity (3rd year - II sem.) Luca Sacchetto
B Speech therapy sciences (III year - II sem.) Francesco Bevilacqua (Coordinator)
C Sciences of the sanitary management Antonio Di Guida
C Interdisciplinary sciences (II sem.) Cesare Compri (Coordinator)

1st year lessons 2nd semester from 3/5/07 to 5/18/07
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
A Biological and psychological sciences (I y. - II sem.) Carlo Alberto Marzi (Coordinator)

List of teachings with the periods that have not been assigned
years TTA E-lrng Name Teacher or coordinator
F Headed training (second year) Francesco Bevilacqua
F Headed training (third year) Francesco Bevilacqua

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