Giacomo Zoppini

foto per il web,  March 28, 2018
giacomo|zoppini*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
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December 31, 2019

Prof. Giacomo Zoppini, Associated Professor in endocrinology, specialized in Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases and Cardiology. He obtained a PhD in Endocrinology Science. His clinical activity encompasses all the metabolic and endocrinologic problems. His research focuses on chronic and vascular complications of Diabetes. His special interest is in the mechanism of diseases at the whole body and organ levels in humans. His research has produced several  original articles that received many citations. 


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Vai al dipartimento di riferimento: Medicine
Topic Description Research area
Diabetes and heart Cardiovascular risk factors. Echocardiographic study of diastolic dysfunction in diabetes. Kidney disease and mortality in diabetes. Mortality for all the causes and specific causes in diabetes. Endocrinology & Metabolism
Vai al dipartimento di riferimento: Medicine

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