Michele Pighi

Michele Pighi_pic,  December 13, 2019
michele|pighi*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.

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Il Prof. Michele Pighi è specialista in Malattie dell'apparato cardiovascolare con particolare inteeresse nel trattamento delle cardiopatie strutturali e dell'imaging cardiaco.

Prof. Michele Pighi is a specialist in Cardiology with a particular focus on the treatment of structural heart diseases and multi-imaging modalities.


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Topic Description Research area
Vascular pathology, valvular heart disease, pharmaco therapy, cardiovascular emergencies, heart failure, hypertentions, neurovascular phatology, nephro-vascular phatology Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems

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Office Collegial Body
Council for the Degree Course in Physiotherapy - Medicine and Surgery

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