Marco Cristani

Marco 100.114,  March 1, 2023
marco|cristani*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Not present since
December 31, 2022

The main research interests and skills of Prof. Cristani concern pattern recognition and automatic and deep learning, computer vision and classification, image and video sequences processing, prediction and forecasting.
In particular:
  • The focus of his research is now on forecasting or prediction, through which it is possible to predict the trend and values ​​of a signal. Specifically, it deals with multimodal prediction, in which the signal to be predicted is not a simple numerical series, but also an image or a video. For example, predicting the market impact of a particular dress or fabric will be within her research fields. For this, prof. Cristani deals with latent representations and embedding spaces, in the field of machine and deep learning.
  • Prof. Cristani deals with the processing of social signals for the analysis of human behavior, with the main applications relating to surveillance and security, human-human and human-machine interaction, environmental intelligence and the retailing sector. Specifically, it deals with the detection of behavior in unsupervised environments, with a specific focus on the detection of social groups.
Research activities are carried out in the context of community, national and industrial projects in direct collaboration with other universities, research centers and companies.


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Vai al dipartimento di riferimento: Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine
Topic Description Research area
Computer forensics Accanto a discipline classiche quali il tracking e l'object detection per la sorveglianza, l'interesse è centrato su social signal processing. In questo settore l'obiettivo è di riuscire a catturare sotto forma di features i segnali sociali, ossia quei segnali che l'essere umano usa, spesso inconsciamente, per comunicare in maniera puramente non verbale con l'ambiente esterno (persone, interfacce). Tutto questo si traduce in parole chiavi quali feature design, feature learning, socially-driven features, social psychology models, proxemics, data fusion. Le applicazioni risultanti trovano naturalmente spazio nella sorveglianza, ma anche in ambito medico e multimediale. Intelligent systems and analytics
Sistemi intelligenti e analisi di dati
Image processing and computer vision Basic image processing, e.g. image enhancement, interpolation (digital zooming). Image processing applied to medical images, 2D and 3D segmentation, feature extraction, texture analysis. Optical flow extraction and processing. Intelligent systems and analytics
Sistemi intelligenti e analisi di dati
Sistemi avanzati per il riconoscimento Due sono gli ambiti principali di ricerca: 1) studio di descrittori di basso livello per addestrare classificatori avanzati; in questo caso, l'idea è di progettare descrittori compatti e informativi per l'object recognition e detection. Particolare enfasi viene data allo studio di descrittori giacenti su spazi non euclidei, come varietà Riemanniane, manipolando nozioni di Information Geometry 2) studio di tecniche di classificazione ibride generative e discriminative; qui l'obiettivo è di sfruttare le caratteristiche vincenti dei modelli generativi (misture di Gaussiane, modelli di Markov a stati nascosti, topic models) e dei modelli discriminativi (Support Vector Machines) combinandole attraverso meccanismi di embedding. In tal maniera, le misure di bontà dei classificatori risultanti superano quelle dei modelli di partenza. Intelligent systems and analytics
Sistemi intelligenti e analisi di dati
Video Surveillance and Monitoring This research aims at the analysis of people and the interpretation/recognition of human activities, possibly at the detection and prediction of events in unconstrained scenes, at individual, group and crowd level. In particular, the main target is on the analysis of nonverbal human behaviour, activities, and dialogue classification by considering vocal behavior, face & gazing, gesture & posture, space & environment. More specifically, the focus is on tracking and re-identification, object/person detection and classification, human pose estimation and activity recognition, automatic PTZ camera control, subjective surveillance, mobile sensing, data fusion. Intelligent systems and analytics
Sistemi intelligenti e analisi di dati
Vai al dipartimento di riferimento: Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine

Other positions held
  • Assistant Professor from 10/1/07 to 2/28/10 Department Computer Science [Department deactivate from 3/1/10. Dipartimento disattivato (deliberazione del Senato Accademico del 22/12/2009). Attivato contestualmente il nuovo Dipartimento di informatica.]
  • Research Scholarship Holders from 9/23/02 to 9/30/07 Department Computer Science [Department deactivate from 3/1/10. Dipartimento disattivato (deliberazione del Senato Accademico del 22/12/2009). Attivato contestualmente il nuovo Dipartimento di informatica.]
  • Technical Collaborator from 9/23/02 to 6/8/07 Department Computer Science [Department deactivate from 3/1/10. Dipartimento disattivato (deliberazione del Senato Accademico del 22/12/2009). Attivato contestualmente il nuovo Dipartimento di informatica.]
  • Scholarship holder from 11/1/04 to 5/1/05 Department Computer Science [Department deactivate from 3/1/10. Dipartimento disattivato (deliberazione del Senato Accademico del 22/12/2009). Attivato contestualmente il nuovo Dipartimento di informatica.]
  • Full Professor from 3/30/22 to 2/28/23 Department Computer Science
  • Associate Professor from 11/1/14 to 3/29/22 Department Computer Science
  • Assistant Professor from 3/1/10 to 10/31/14 Department Computer Science
  • Adjunct professor from 10/1/07 to 3/31/09 Faculty of Humanities and Philosophy
  • Temporary Professor from 9/23/02 to 9/30/07 Faculty of Humanities and Philosophy
  • Temporary Professor from 10/1/06 to 12/31/22 Faculty of Medicine and Surgery
  • Assistant Professor from 10/1/07 to 4/4/14 Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences
Office Collegial Body
member Collegio dei Docenti del Dottorato in Ingegneria dei Sistemi Intelligenti - Department Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine
member Computer Science Teaching Committee - Department Computer Science
member Information Engineering Teaching Committee - Department Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine
member Comitato Scientifico del Master in Computer game development - Department Computer Science
Comitato Scientifico del Master Universitario in Digital Content Creation (I livello) - Department Computer Science
member Commissione AQ RICERCA - Consiglio di Dipartimento Ingegneria per la Medicina di Innovazione - Department Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine
member Commissione Proprietà Industriale e Intellettuale e Spin off
member Consiglio di Dipartimento Ingegneria per la Medicina di Innovazione - Department Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine
member I e II Fascia - Consiglio di Dipartimento Ingegneria per la Medicina di Innovazione - Department Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine
componente (in composizione ristretta) I Fascia - Consiglio di Dipartimento Ingegneria per la Medicina di Innovazione - Department Department of Engineering for Innovation Medicine

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