Cecilia Rossignoli

foto,  September 23, 2011
Adjunct professor
Department of
Academic sector
045 802 8173
cecilia|rossignoli*univr|it <== Replace | with . and * with @ to have the right email address.
Personal web page

Cecilia Rossignoli is Full Professor in Organization Science (SECS P/10) since 2012. She graduated in Economics from the University of Padua (Verona) in 1981. She is coordinator and teacher in the PhD program in Economics and Business Management for "Organization Theory" module of the Graduate School of Economics and Management (Gsem), University of Verona and University of Padua. She is a member of ASN Scientific Sector SECS-P/10, Organizational Science. She is Senior Editor of the international scientific journal “Information System Management” Published By Taylor & Francis, USA and member of the Editorial Review Board of "Journal of Business Research" Published By Elsevier. Since 2012 she has been Director of the Executive Master in ICT Management at the CUOA of Altavilla Vicentina, Master first provided at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Verona where she was Director from 2001 to 2012. She is scientific coordinator of the ICT Forum of the CUOA Foundation. She is a member of AIS, Association of Information Systems, a worldwide association that brings together scholars in the field of Information Systems. She is President (since 2015) and founding member of the Italian Division of AIS, an emanation of AIS International (USA) with headquarters at Luiss University in Rome.
Her main research interests are:
  • the new business models for the competitiveness of SMEs.
  • dynamic capabilities and business intelligence systems
  • the strategic role of the chief information officer (CIO)
  • the evolution of ICT based organizational forms: beyond the classical hierarchy market scheme and the new distributed organizational forms (network organizations)
  • organizational impact of information systems in public government and institutions


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Vai al dipartimento di riferimento: Management
Topic Description Research area
Change management and the impact of ICT on the hospital Through qualitative and quantitative methods, analysis of some topics related to the organizational change in the hospitals. These changes are based on new information and knowledge made available through the electronic medical record (EMR) and the electronic health record (HER). Study of the impacts of the 3D printing in the reorganization of health care processes/activities in orthopedics. Health care management
Health care management
The impact of eBusiness on organization Analysis of the topics related to the impact of ICT on the organizational structure and/or the organizational behavior such as new business models induced by e-business, development of SaaS (Software as a Service) platforms and Business Intelligence. Analysis of the strategic role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) in the organizational structures and the related impact on the organizational performance. Management information systems
Management information systems
New business models and coordination costs Analysis of the topics related to the new business models and in particular to the business networks, as well as the analysis and management of coordination and transaction costs. Analysis of the development of new organizational forms deriving from technologies (ICTs). Organizational studies
Organizational studies
Vai al dipartimento di riferimento: Management


Other positions held
Office Collegial Body
Presidente Collegio didattico di Economia aziendale e management - Department Management
Collegio didattico di Management e strategia d'impresa - Department Management
Comitato Scientifico del Master Universitario in Management sanitario nelle reti dell'assistenza integrata - Department Diagnostics and Public Health
member Commissione AQ Didattica - Department Management
member Consiglio dei Corsi di Laurea e Laurea Magistrale con sede a Verona
member Consiglio dei Corsi di Laurea e Laurea Magistrale con sede a Vicenza/Consiglio Didattico del Polo Scientifico Didattico di "Studi sull'Impresa"
member Consiglio del Dipartimento di Management - Department Management
Consiglio della Scuola di Economia e Management
Personale Docente del Dipartimento di Economia Aziendale

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