Bachelor's degree in Psychiatric Rehabilitation Techniques (to qualify as a psychiatric rehabilitation expert)(Verona)

Course not running

Child and adolescent rehabilitation - NEUROPSICHIATRIA INFANTILE

Course code
Name of lecturer
Alessandro Simonati
Number of ECTS credits allocated
Academic sector
Language of instruction
TERP VR 3^ ANNO - 1^ SEMESTRE dal Oct 5, 2016 al Nov 15, 2016.

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Lesson timetable


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Learning outcomes

Aims of the course are:
A. to introduce students to the principles of neurodevelopment in childhood; B. to provide elements related to current methodologies necessary to neuro-psychological evaluation of children through their developmental steps, from early childhood to adolescence; C. To introduce students to clinical conditions with onset in childhood, requiring care and rehabilitation in adulthood.
A. to introduce students to the principles of neurodevelopment in childhood.
Principles of human neurodevelopment will be illustrated: issues on Central Nervous System Development as Biological Foundations of neuro-psychological development; the concept of the evolution from function to competence will be discussed, and the main trajectories associated with the maturation of human functions in childhood will be outlined; the processes of acquisition of motor, linguistic, cognitive, emotional competences will be discussed and commented with the students.
B. to provide elements related to current methodologies necessary to neurodevelopmental neuro-psychological evaluation of children through their developmental steps, from early childhood to adolescence.
Principles of Neurodevelopmental evaluations and related tools (Developmental Scale) and Neuropsychological assessment (concept of IQ, cognitive evaluation, adaptive behaviour and its measurement, behaviour rating scales) will be illustrated.
C. To introduce students to clinical conditions with onset in childhood, requiring care and rehabilitation in adulthood. Clinical features, major diagnostic approaches, and principles of care and rehabilitation will be given of main Neurodevelopmental Disorders, such as Intellectual Disability, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficits (including the concept of ADHD), Gilles del Tourette syndrome, Psychopathological conditions of possible childhood onset (Anxiety Disorders, Depressive Disorders, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Psychopathology of Epilepsy).


Development: Definition
Development as a genetically determined; factors influencing developmental trajectories: intrinsic factors (e.g. CNS structures organization and connectivity) vs extrinsic factors (pre- and post-natal enviromental cues)

2. Development of CNS Structures as Biological Foundation of Neurological and Psychological functions; Role of the Environment
-development of neuromuscular structures, of sensory organs, of CNS;
-pre- and post-natal development of functions;
-relationship between CNS development, functional activities and enviroment toward the competence maturation
-the mature brain from functional standpoints: the cognitive brain, the social brain, the emotional brain

3. Timeline of Development and Onset of Functions: Pre-Natal period; Early Post-Natal period; Pre-School age (2nd and 3d year; kinder school age); School age; Puberty and Transition to Adolescence
Definition of Function as compared to Competence: Movement, Cognition, Social Activities and Communication; Emotion and their recognition, Play abilities

4. Clinical and Neuropsychological Evaluation
Qualitative Evaluation: neurological evaluation; single cognitive function assessment; behavioural evaluation;
Quantitative Evaluation: Developmental Scales; IQ evaluation and cognition; adaptive behaviour evaluation

5. Specific Clinical Conditions: Intellectual Disability; Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Chronic Epilepsy; Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

Assessment methods and criteria

Open discussion with small groups of students of a critical commentary written by each group, after reading an assigned scientific article related to one of the main topic of the course.

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