Master's degree in Banking and Insurance Economics

Course not running

Information Systems in Brokerage (2006/2007)

Course code
Cecilia Rossignoli

Teaching is organised as follows:
Unit Credits Academic sector Period Academic staff
lezione 1 3 INF/01-INFORMATICS 1° sem lez Cecilia Rossignoli
lezione 2 2 INF/01-INFORMATICS 1° sem lez Vittorio Corsano

Learning outcomes

The aim of the course is to give to the students a deep analysis concerning the organizational and technological aspects of financial information systems. After discussing the basic concepts of banking information systems the course will study the connection between the banking information system , organizational variables ( structure and organizational mechanisms) of financial institutions and organizational design.
Students will obtain a clear and systematic analysis of the opportunities offered by ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) to financial institutions.

Assessment methods and criteria


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